
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

[Meme] Top Ten Tuesday : Top Ten Places Books Have Made Us Want To Visit

Meme ini dipersembahkan oleh para Ladies di The Broke And Bookish. Top Ten Tuesday merupakan meme yang membolehkan kamu buat sharing Top Ten List kamu, berdasarkan tema yang sudah ditentukan pastinya. Nah tema minggu ini adalah Top Ten Places Books Have Made Us Want To Visit.

Sepuluh tempat yang pengen dikunjungi gara-gara baca bukunya. Let’s see.. Here we go.

1. North Carolina,
It was spectacular. Tundra swan and Canada geese literally surrounded them. Thousands of them. Birds floating so close together in some places that she couldn’t see the water. From a distance, the groups of swans looked almost like icebergs. -The Notebook By Nicholas Sparks

Pingin lihat seberapa indahnya tempat ini terutama saat musim gugur. Daun-daun yang memerah disertai angsa yang berterbangan ketika berperahu di danau. Ah, indahnya ~

2. Maine,
The clouds were scudding across the sky, casting shadows on the water, and there was a man playing guitar on the village green. -This Is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith

Sebenarnya tempat ini lebih digambarkan sebagai tempat yang gloomy. Terus banyak juga yg bilang Maine itu dingin dan nggak ada matahari. Tapi meskipun begitu, tetep aja aku mau kesana. Banyak banget buku yg mengambil setting Maine soalnya, siapa yg ngga penasaran coba?

3. Edensor,
Di belakang rumah penduduk tumpah ruah dedaunan berwarna oranye, mendayu-dayu karena belaian angin. Lalu terbentang luas padang rumput, permukaannya ditebari awan-awan kapas. -Edensor by Andrea Hirata

Ngga tau tempatnya nyata atau engga, tapi jelas banget mau ke sana kalau beneran ada. Di Inggris kan itu ya? Lupa. Pokoknya Mau!

4.  Paris,
The Seine twinkles below us, deep and green, and a long  boat strung with lights glides underneath the bridge. -Anna And The French Kiss by Stephenie Meyer.

Jatuh cinta sama Paris semenjak Anna and The French Kiss. Aku mau ke The Point Of Zeronya.

5. New Orleans,
Gara-gara sering baca Dark Hunter Series jadi penasaran sama kota ini. Katanya tempatnya bagus, banyak festival juga/? Jadi salah satu tempat yang banyak dikunjungi para karakter loh di buku.

I guess that’s all? Yah, ngga dapet 10 :( Abis buku yg kubaca jarang yang menggambarkan lokasi sih. Kalaupun ada begitu doang paling. Kalau boleh berdasarkan komik atau film juga pasti lengkap 10 :(

* First Love by James Petterson : North Carolina
* Mayfair Moon by J.A Redmersky : Maine (The Dark Trilogy)
* Autumn In Paris by Ilana Tan : Paris
* The Edge Of Never by J.A Redmersky

Ada dua tempat lagi sih.

6. West Virginia
A creek divided the clearing, expanding into a small, natural lake. It rippled in the soft breeze. Rocks erupted from the middle, flat and smooth-looking. Somehow, the land had been cleared in a perfect circle around the water. Large patches of flat, grassy land and wildflowers blossomed in the full sun. It was peaceful. -Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout

7. Forks

The meadow was small, perfectly round, and filled with wildflowers — violet, yellow, and soft white. Somewhere nearby, I could hear the bubbling music of a stream. The sun was directly overhead, filling the circle with a haze of buttery sunshine. -Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

Yep, syuudah ~

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